Website Temporary Work International
IT staffing, recruiting, remote teams, offshore, cybersecurity
Specialization: Frontend development, cloud and DevOps
1. professional profile
Thomas ist ein erfahrener Full Stack Developer mit über sieben Jahren Expertise in der Development skalierbarer Web- und Mobilanwendungen. Er ist auf React, Django und Spring Boot spezialisiert und besitzt zusätzliche Kompetenzen im UX-Design, wodurch er ansprechende, benutzerfreundliche Oberflächen erstellt. Thomas hat in verschiedenen Branchen wie Banking, Gesundheitswesen, E-Commerce und Sicherheit gearbeitet und komplexe technische Herausforderungen in innovative digitale Lösungen umgewandelt. Aktuell lebt er in Kopenhagen, Dänemark.
2. professional experience
Full Stack Developer at CuddlyNest (February 2022 - September 2024, Barcelona, Spain):
- Development of modular and scalable UI/UX components with React, TypeScript and Tamagui that provide a consistent user interface across iOS, Android and web platforms.
- Managing a monorepo-based project that enables a unified experience for mobile and web applications using Expo and Next.js.
- Design of RESTful APIs to improve data transfer and scalability in high-traffic applications.
- Collaborate with cross-functional teams and apply agile methodologies to ensure timely and effective feature releases.
Frontend Developer at Shpock (May 2020 - February 2022, Vienna, Austria):
- Development of responsive web applications with React and Next.js as well as mobile applications with React Native for iOS and Android.
- Integration of third-party services such as Firebase, Stripe and social login functions to optimize user interaction.
- Renewal of an outdated code base project to improve development efficiency and reduce technical debt.
Backend Developer at (August 2017 - February 2020, Paris, France):
- Development of server-side applications with Python and Java Spring Boot for efficient data management and seamless integration with front-end technologies.
- Creation of a RESTful API and microservices architecture for scalable applications.
- Management and optimization of the MongoDB and PostgreSQL databases to increase retrieval speed and data integrity.
3. education
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Science - Aalborg University, Denmark (September 2014 - June 2017)
4. technical skills
Front end: React, React Native, Next.js, Expo, Vue.js, Flutter, Material UI
Backend: Python, Django, Java, Spring Boot, Flask, Node.js, Express
Databases: MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL
Cloud and DevOps: AWS, Azure, GCP, Docker, Kubernetes
Further tools: JavaScript, TypeScript, Git, SanityCMS, Firebase
5. language skills
- English: Fluent
- Danish: Fluent
6. strengths
- Versatile full-stack capabilities: Experience in creating scalable and modular solutions for web and mobile platforms using modern technologies.
- Teamwork and project management: Sound knowledge of working with cross-functional teams and applying agile methods.
- Efficiency and optimization: Successful performance optimization projects, especially through refactoring of legacy code and the use of cloud services.
7. suitability for the international labor market
Thomas bringt durch seine vielseitige Erfahrung in Full-Stack-Development und UX-Design eine hohe Eignung für den internationalen Arbeitsmarkt mit. Seine Kompetenzen in modernen Web- und Mobile-Technologien sowie in Cloud- und Datenbankverwaltung machen ihn zu einem wertvollen Kandidaten für Unternehmen, die flexible, skalierbare und ansprechende Lösungen benötigen.
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