How do you choose the right server?

The term server comes from English and actually means servant. The term is used ambiguously in the computer field. It refers to both the computer itself and the program that runs on the computer.

In hardware terms, a server is a machine that is integrated into the computer network. The operating system and various software-based servers run on it. The term host can also be used here instead of server.

In the area of software, the server is a program for a special service. This can be used by other computers either directly locally or via a network. 

How does a server work?

This is based on the so-called client-server model. This means that tasks can be distributed across different computers. They can then be used independently by different people. This means that email programs or web browsers, for example, can be used by different people at any time.

The communication between client and server is determined by a specific transmission protocol. There are different server types:

  • Web server
  • File Server
  • Email server
  • Database server
  • Game server
  • Proxy server
  • DNS server

How do you choose the right server for you?

If you are looking for the right server, there are a few things you should think about beforehand.

First of all, it is important to decide what task the server should perform. Is it important that data is shared and stored? Do you need business emails and databases? Do you need system and data backups? Do you host websites and applications?

Several points may well apply to you here. In this case, it is important that you prioritize the various tasks. This will then also determine the IT infrastructure with memory, working memory and power.

Next, it is important where the server is to be located and then the maintenance. If the server is to be in a specific location, it is important that there is enough space and that the temperature is right. There are also companies that offer server hosting so that you can save yourself the space and, above all, the expense of maintenance. That would be the next point, because there are trained Specialist staff is needed to maintain a server.

You should then think about your budget for a server. This depends on what tasks you want the server to perform. The more tasks there are, the higher the budget you will have to spend on them. 

Here you should. You should also not fall into the misconception that you are simply buying the best server on the market so that the maximum business output can be realized. That would be a waste, as computer resources are not being used. You also need the corresponding energy for the resources that you are not using and that would be an absolute waste. 

Make a complete plan beforehand and then buy the right appliance for you.