Cloud Engineer
Clients: IT company
Category: IT, IT Solution
Value: Recruitment, temporary employment, remote specialists

Cloud Engineer - IT specialist placement

The digital transformation has changed the world forever. Cloud technologies have also become an integral part of our everyday lives. Companies that rely on cloud technologies or want to make the transition to the cloud are dependent on experienced Cloud Engineers instructed. We at Zeitarbeit International place IT specialists from Eastern Europe and Asia. 

Cloud Engineer - Tasks

Our cloud engineers (also known as cloud architects, cloud developers or cloud technicians) ensure the smooth design and implementation of cloud solutions in companies. A cloud is an infrastructure that is not located on site (in the office, at headquarters) but in a geographically remote data center. The cloud can provide storage space and computing power. The most important providers of cloud technologies include Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure. 

We provide Cloud Engineers for the following tasks:

  • MigrationIf your company is not yet using cloud technology, then it is the job of the cloud architect to migrate existing infrastructure to the cloud.
  • OptimizationOnce this has been done, the cloud infrastructure must be continuously monitored, maintained and optimized. This is essential, as a cloud failure can have serious consequences. Just think of the vast amounts of data that could be lost.  
  • SecuritySince the cloud plays a central role in the functioning of a company, its security must be guaranteed. Configuring and controlling security systems is therefore also one of the tasks of a Cloud Engineers.
  • Development: A cloud architect can also develop software that is used in the cloud environment, e.g. applications that are used in a cloud computing environment.
  • TrainingEmployees and other stakeholders of a company that relies on cloud technology should be familiar with the concept in order to minimize security risks and maximize productivity. This can also be included in the job profile of a Cloud Engineers fall.

What training do our Cloud Engineers?

A Bachelor's degree in computer science, information technology or a related subject is considered a basic requirement for the profession of Cloud Engineers are considered. A deeper specialization in cloud computing (e.g. through a master's degree or various certifications) is also often required. AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud offer certifications.

A cloud architect must also have the following technical skills: 

  • Deep understanding of network architectures, protocols, databases and Linux
  • Programming languages such as Python, Java, Rust, Go etc. 
  • Mastering tools such as Kubernetes and Dockers
  • Understanding of infrastructure as code (IaC) and tools such as CloudFormation

As a Cloud Engineer, you should also have good communication skills (for customer contact), be able to react quickly under stress and be extremely careful and reliable.

Salary: How much does a Cloud Engineer?

Yes, the profession Cloud Engineer requires a great deal of knowledge, requires many years of training - and is very much in demand these days. And the trend is rising. No wonder that this is also reflected in salaries. Cloud architects in Germany can expect a salary range of 60,000 to 80,000 euros. The salary depends on factors such as professional experience, location and specialization.  

Cloud Engineers are in high demand. Many companies therefore have difficulty filling their vacancies in time. The cost of finding and hiring a cloud architect can therefore be very high.

Currently available IT cloud specialists:

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Cloud Engineer as a temporary worker - is that possible? 

Are you looking for a Cloud Engineer and therefore ask themselves: Can I Cloud Engineers also as a temporary worker or Temporary workers keep busy?

The answer is: Yes! Personnel leasing (also Temporary employment or temporary work) has many advantages, including Flexibility, cost efficiency and predictability.

These three advantages of temporary work also apply to cloud specialists. Hiring cloud technicians as temporary workers is therefore an extremely attractive solution - especially for companies that are urgently looking for a cloud specialist. Cloud Engineer or who use the services of a Cloud Engineers for a limited period of time, e.g. for a cloud migration, to cope with project peaks or to compensate for staff absences. Cloud Engineers as temporary workers are the best solution in such cases, if not the only one.

Zeitarbeit International has been regarded as the leading personnel service provider in the field of international employee leasing. We have focused on Personnel leasing from Eastern Europe specialized. We place qualified specialists - including Cloud Engineers - from Eastern European countries such as Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania and many more. The people we mediate Cloud Engineers have all the necessary professional and language qualifications to start immediately and effectively in your company.

If you would like to find out more about how we can help you with the temporary employment of cloud specialists, please contact us! Our team looks forward to hearing from you Request.

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