Constantly try to find good Software outsourcing-Services to find? The number of potential partners is endless, and new ones appear regularly. Outsourcing companies which makes it particularly difficult to find what you are looking for.
It can be overwhelming to work your way through all the different options. In this article, we will therefore look at IT nearshoring and software outsourcing.
Why IT nearshore services are becoming increasingly popular
Nearshoring is a type of outsourcing. The difference is that the Outsourcing often takes place globally or within the country of origin. For companies in Germany, this means Nearshore outsourcing usually means that the work is outsourced to software teams in Eastern Europe.
To the most popular nearshore locations in Eastern Europe include Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Poland. All of these countries have similar time zones to Germany.
Why nearshore software development is the future of outsourcing?
Cost reduction is an important factor in Outsourcing decisionsbut there are several other factors. These include the ease of outsourcing to a neighboring country and a similar culture to the country from which the service is being outsourced.
Nearshore IT services have the advantage that the necessary language skills and cultural similarity exist, so that the IT outsourcing runs smoothly.
IT Nearshore: The advantages of proximity in software development
What advantages does IT nearshoring? IT nearshoring in this case is Software outsourcing to a neighboring country, which has many advantages:
- Similar time zone.
- Simple check that everything is running correctly, as it is a neighboring country.
- The laws are also generally similar.
- Geographical proximity to the main company.
- Easier compliance with laws, as laws in a neighboring country are similar.
- Cultural similarities.
Nearshoring refers specifically to Outsourcing to the neighboring country.
Scalable IT solutions through nearshore partnerships
According to many reports, Eastern Europe offers many of the most best trained Software developer of the world. Further advantages for Eastern Europe as a nearshoring location:
- Growing talent pool: There are currently numerous IT specialiststhat provide services worth 4.16 trillion dollars worldwide.
- Specializations: The Eastern European IT sector is particularly strong with regard to the IT professions.
- Dual training system: The dual training system in Slovakia combines theoretical knowledge with practical experience. Students spend a large part of their training directly in the company.
- Simple travel and meetings: Due to the proximity of the nearshoring countries, it is easier to travel there and meet employees if necessary.
As Outsourcing perspective is Eastern Europe cheaper than most Western European countries and has a large number of trained IT specialists.
IT nearshore: How to get the best out of your outsourcing partner
For successful cooperation with Nearshore teams it is important, Outsourcing best practices to follow. As an international IT service provider, we offer our customers:
- Create transparent outsourcing contracts for IT specialists.
- A clear SLA agreement.
- Clear and regular communication
- Compliance with tax and labor laws for outsourcing.
We as IT nearshore partner you can successfully outsource your projects and services. Learn more about us >>>

The most important criteria for selecting an IT nearshore partner
Make sure that you have your IT nearshore partner before you commission him. The Nearshore partner should share your values and know what your expectations are.
An important factor is that you should define your needs and expectations. Communicate clearly. This is a well-known The challenge of outsourcing and in the search for the right nearshore partners. Further general recommendations are before the Outsourcing to knowwhat you want as a company and what your expectations are.
How IT nearshore projects offer time and cost benefits
So why should you IT nearshoring to your advantage? There are many cost benefits to IT nearshoring for IT services. IT partnerships can bring you the following benefits:
- Lower labor costs.
- Cheaper equipment and resources.
- Similar culture.
- Required language skills as a neighboring country.
- Fast recruitment of employees.
These are some of the points that can help your company with IT nearshoring bring added value. Temporary Work International can help you with this. We follow the latest IT outsourcing trends and have been operating for many years IT nearshoring.
We work with the Slovakian government to improve your nearshoring experience. Contact us to find out how it all works and how we can help you! Contact us >>>